HMS News

January 6th Capitol Attack

“Get in good trouble, necessary trouble” -Representative John Lewis On January 6th, the most representative expression of white supremacy in this countrywas carried out and witnessed by millions. I can’t say how this horrible action impactedmost people, but I can say that I was frightened and scared. At the exact moment thatthe Capitol, in Washington...
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Strategic Plan

We on the Board have been enjoying this winter break. Even though it has been quieter, we did take some time to continue our conversation regarding our Strategic Plan. Hilltop is currently in the last year of our current Strategic Plan. This Plan has been a true guiding document for the Board and Tamara during...
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Reflections on Wednesday at the Capitol

Dear Families, After a year of troubling turmoil, 2021 started out with more. Our staff was in a staff meeting on Wednesday afternoon when the insurrection broke out at the capitol. Many of us had family or friends notifying us of what was happening. We have since talked, as program teams and as a full...
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Thank You to Staff

The snow is finally here, just in time for the much-anticipated winter break. The effortsand challenges that Hilltop staff have experienced during this first part of the year havebeen both remarkable and heartbreaking. Working in the middle of a pandemic will be,for many of us, one of the biggest achievements and challenges in our careers...
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The Single Story

Our lives are constructed by multiple stories, but sometimes we can’t, or aren’t, allowedto tell them all. Sometimes we have the power to lock up the stories that we don’t wantto remember, or simply can’t remember. Sometimes we hold on to the stories that helpus continue going with our days, or sometimes we tell the...
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Multi-Household Gathering Clarifications

Dear Hilltop Community, We have come to the close of yet another ever-changing week in a year of constant change and adjustment. Once again we would like to thank you for your support, cooperation, and understanding. As things are constantly evolving here at Hilltop, they are evolving beyond as well. The Vermont Department of Education...
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I remember that my first Thanksgiving in this country was celebrated in agas station in New Jersey, eating a turkey sandwich with a can of ginger ale.Of course, that didn’t mean anything to me – neither the food nor theholiday. I was not from this country, this culture, this history. Later on, Iunderstood that Thanksgiving...
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Guest Speakers Fuá Nascimento and Sandra Lamouche

Last Friday, during our In-Service Day, faculty and staff participated in the zoomworkshop “Capoeira as Cultural Competence Builder” with the Brazilian CapoeiraMestre, Fuá Nascimento. Mestre Fuá and the Hilltop staff discussed the history andphysical movement of capoeira, considered one of the largest Black resistancemovements. Capoeira is a cultural ritual practice that involves fighting, dancing, singing,rhythm,...
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Going Beyond Limits as a Community

This has been a year with an emphasis on health and safety and on the actions of the individual impacting the community. Our community has done an amazing job. As a staff, we have been so careful and we have been thrilled with how seriously and responsibly all of our families are taking the commitment...
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Winter Break 2020/21 Extended

New Winter Break Dates 12/21/20 – 1/8/21 Last day of school Friday, December 18 Students return on Monday, January 11 The main considerations for these changes are needing to: Allow for safe quarantine time after possible increased travel/visitors/socializing over winter breakClose the campus for the final HVAC updates (testing and balancing) However, we still need...
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