Increasing Flexibility / Re-Entry Plan Updates: March 12, 2021

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Dear Families,

Spring is in the air! We are proud of how we’ve been able to meet in person all year and of how accurately our plans made last summer have worked out with few changes. And now, as we near April, we are ready to make some adjustments. 

We are feeling comfortable easing up on a few of the restrictions where we have been going above and beyond the requirements. This increased comfort level is due to the:

  • lowering infection rate
  • warmer weather returning and allowing for more time outside again
  • conscientiousness of our community (the diligence and care that our families and staff have taken in regards to our COVID protocols have resulted in no cases among our students, and no spread when there have been tangential cases)
  • number of adults in our community who have been able to get vaccinated (especially grandparents and teachers)
  • easing of restrictions in our state.

We plan to allow for a bit more cross-pod interactions, essentially going to the 75 person podding from our Re-Entry Plan which has been slightly revised based on knowledge gained these past six months of in-person schooling. This revised pods of 75 plan will allow for:

  • Adults to move across programs for teaching and observing
  • Birch and Willow Rooms to be able to possibly combine for recess, Olders time, and more
  • Lower and Upper Elementary to possibly combine for recess, lessons, and more 
  • cross-pod carpools 
  • visitors on campus (outside only).

We also intend to phase out doing the daily airless disinfectant sprayers in the Toddler and Children’s House classrooms. Instead, we will continue with the daily classroom cleaning morning, afternoon, and end of day of high contact surfaces using disinfectant and cloths, and only use the airless disinfectant sprayer for the weekly deep clean of the whole school on Wednesday afternoons. This continues to be compliant with state regulations.

One component of this transition that we had hoped to be able to offer was Before and AfterCare. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer either BC or AC at this time, aswe are unable to staff an extended school day beyond the regular 8am-3pm school day. 

We ask that our community continue to be vigilant in following all of the evolving state guidelines around travel and household gatherings. After school “play dates” would be permissible if helpful for childcare, if in compliance with the state guidelines. 

Check out the Covid information page on our website for current status and more information. If you have any questions about this transition, please contact Zoe or Tamara