HMS News

Grateful to be Back

So gratifying! It has been wonderful to once again be able to walk the campus, both indoors and outdoors, and see the students and teachers in action as we settle into in-person learning. Last year our entire campus and community was strictly podded, both inside and outside, in a way that did not give me...
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Re-Entry 2021/2022: August 20, 2021

Dear Hilltop Families,We wanted to give you a few updates and share more broadly information that has been asked by a few families in recent days. With the ventilation upgrades, outdoor spaces, consistent masking practice observed last year, and general conscientiousness of our community, we feel confident in opening again in person for this school...
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Being an Ally During Pride Month and Beyond

A rainbow flag flies in the wind at Hilltop, while the person who proudly holds it parades throughthe audience that came to celebrate the 2021 graduation of the Middle Schoolers. Studentgraduation speeches have traditionally focused on the individual’s academic growth andcommunity experiences during their time at Hilltop Montessori School – this year, the speechesbrought many...
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Planning for the 2021/22 School Year

Dear Families,We hope that you are enjoying this summer as a time to refresh and relax, and perhaps visit people that you haven’t been able to see during the time of COVID restrictions. Up on the hill, we are busy with summer projects including: reconfiguring space, painting, gardening, enhancing outdoor space, documenting emergency planning, furthering...
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Maximizing Use of Federal Funds to Keep us Whole!

In the Spring of 2020, the federal government rolled out the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) to help provide support for businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The initial round of the plan was based on the desire to maintain employees on payroll regardless of the impact of COVID closures, rather than laying people off and...
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HMS Recognized as Unsung Heroes: July 14, 2021

We are proud announce that Hilltop teachers were recognized as some of Windham County’s Unsung Heroes for our efforts during the pandemic. Read the article from the Brattleboro Reformer here – you will find us on page 14!
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Enjoying the Simple Things

The pleasure of enjoying simple things is not limited to a specific age. In addition to my role as EJIdirector, I am also the Children’s House Spanish and PE teacher. For the last two weeks, I have beenworking with the Olders from the Birch and Willow rooms making our own kites and gardening, inaddition to...
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Moving Up Day

One of the hallmarks of an authentic Montessori school is the “three-year cycle.” We have students in the same program with the same teachers for three years to progress as Youngers to Middlers to Olders. We see so many benefits to this. Here are a few: Allowing for students to learn from and be leaders...
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Sharing Language and Recognizing Biases

Six years ago, when I started working at Hilltop, helping Children’s House during lunchand nap, I sang softly in Spanish all the time. There was not much interest from myyoung audience in the beginning, but the more I sang, the more I got their attention.One of my sons was part of the group with whom...
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Penultimate Board Meeting of 2020/21

The Hilltop Montessori School Board of Trustees gathered via Zoom on Wednesday evening for our penultimate meeting of the school year. It is hard to believe that we are almost at the conclusion of this school year! What an incredible year it has been, with so much amazing work from the whole school community to...
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