HMS News

Expanding on the role of the Board

Dear Hilltop Community; As we get a hint of summer and look towards the impending transitions at the end of a school year, the Board of Trustees is doing the same. Last month the board hosted an open board meeting with Cheese Boards Galore! Interested community members learned more about the work of the Hilltop...
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Montessori and Antiracism: The Path Going Forward

“The goal of antiracism isn’t to “erase” color differences but to detach harmful ideasabout race and racial groups from the colors we see.”-Dr. Ibram X. Kendi We left Boston behind, but the excitement of sharing all the new things we learneduring our four days at the AMS conference is still fresh on our minds and...
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An Invitation from HMS Board – Committee on Trustees

Here we are in our second month of 2023, with a successful season of Mountain Days under our belts, and students and teachers digging into mid-year academics. This is also the time of year when the HMS Board begins its search for new trustees to join our work in the 2023-2024 academic year, either as a new trustee or...
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Preparation of the Adult

Maria Montessori emphasized the importance of “The Spiritual Preparation of the Teacher” as critical to supporting children into developing into their true selves. She said that a teacher must notice and accept their faults and “must be willing to accept guidance if we wish to become effective teachers”. She speaks against being defensive about shortcomings,...
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2021-22 Year End Close Out

The September Board meeting was heavy with finance! The Board reviewed the 2021-22 Year End Close Out, which will be finalized by our outside financial auditor. We ended the year almost exactly as anticipated, with a deficit that was made up for by our PPP loan forgiveness and a planned Endowment draw. Over the years,...
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Looking to the Future, Again!

Embarking on the Strategic Planning Process! Do you have insights to share about the future of HMS? What are we doing well as a school community, and what could we improve in the coming years?  We would love to hear your opinions! The Board of Trustees is embarking on a new Strategic Planning process. The 2017-2021 Strategic...
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Praising Our Children: How we can be helpful 

One of Montessori’s foundational principles is that all children should be treated with dignity and respect and that their internal drive to “work” should be valued over training them to want external rewards. As Montessorians, we get excited when psychologists and researchers prove her theories to be true and further enlighten us as to why...
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The Power of “Welcoming” to Develop a Sense of Belonging

“Grace and Courtesy” are the foundation of Montessori pedagogy. It is the consistent practice of the teacher to welcome students into the classroom. Teachers are not just modeling the behavior they want the student to reproduce among each other, but a culture that fosters a sense of belonging and respect. Grace and Courtesy are a...
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HMS Celebrates 50 Years

We are launching our 50th anniversary today! We look forward to celebrating this evening at our annual family picnic over good food, conversation, and music. Our gift to our students and faculty to commemorate our history are retro-designed t-shirts that harken back to our former rabbit logo as well as the ring tees of the...
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COVID Restrictions for the Coming Year

Dear Hilltop Families, Just today Dan French and Mark Levine issued a memorandum regarding COVID 19 considerations for the coming school year. The plans that we have had in place are in compliance with these considerations. We have been proud of the careful navigation we have done through this pandemic and grateful for the understanding and cooperation from our...
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