Notes from the Board of Trustees


A bright future, and seeking Board members

The HMS Board of Trustees gathered via zoom on Tuesday evening for our monthly meeting. It was a rich, full meeting, with animated, thoughtful discussion regarding the endowment, leadership, Board transitions, and succession, and getting focused for some important upcoming events. First, we learned a great deal about the endowment from our former Treasurer and...
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Celebrating our 50th!

THE BOARD NEEDS YOUR HELP! As we prepare to enter our 50th anniversary year, the Board is embarking on a few major projects, and we need community help! We are working on putting together two committees, and we are looking for enthusiastic people who would like to help us celebrate the past 50 years and develop a...
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Building Bridges at HMS

The Hilltop Board of Trustees gathered via Zoom for our first official meeting of the school year. We are excited for the upcoming year! We have a dynamic, enthusiastic, multi-talented group of Trustees this year, and we have some big projects to tackle. Keep an eye out for opportunities to work with the Board! This year, the Board...
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Maximizing Use of Federal Funds to Keep us Whole!

In the Spring of 2020, the federal government rolled out the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) to help provide support for businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The initial round of the plan was based on the desire to maintain employees on payroll regardless of the impact of COVID closures, rather than laying people off and...
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Penultimate Board Meeting of 2020/21

The Hilltop Montessori School Board of Trustees gathered via Zoom on Wednesday evening for our penultimate meeting of the school year. It is hard to believe that we are almost at the conclusion of this school year! What an incredible year it has been, with so much amazing work from the whole school community to...
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Strategic Plan

We on the Board have been enjoying this winter break. Even though it has been quieter, we did take some time to continue our conversation regarding our Strategic Plan. Hilltop is currently in the last year of our current Strategic Plan. This Plan has been a true guiding document for the Board and Tamara during...
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First Board Meeting of the 2020/21 School Year

The Hilltop Board of Trustees met for its first Board meeting of the school year this week, via Zoom. Even though we are still meeting remotely, there was an air of community and a genuine celebration knowing children and teachers are back in school. While 2020 has been full of challenges, thanks to the hard...
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Welcome from the Board

At this time each year, Hilltop typically joins together for its Back to School Picnic, providing an opportunity for the Hilltop Board of Trustees to run the grill and introduce new officers and new board members. This year, of course, we are not holding our spatulas, but we will not be waylaid. We take this...
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New Trustees

The HMS Board of Trustees convened via ZOOM for our final meeting of the school year. It is hard to believe how fast the year went, especially considering the past 3 months! We spent a good portion of this meeting expressing gratitude: for the fact that, despite the tumultuous past few months, the school is...
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Join the Board!

We want to thank everybody who showed up for the Open Board meeting last night. The lucky pie winners were: Nestor Beckwith, Marta Bernbaum, and Shelley Lockyear! Beyond pies, though, we enjoyed the opportunity to share the work the Board does with the rest of the community, and we hope some of you were inspired...
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