Productive Board Meeting Yields Varied Task Completions

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Hello from the Hilltop Board!

We held our April Board Meeting on Wednesday evening and were able to accomplish all kinds of important things over a delicious dinner made by Asher.

On the financial side of things, we officially accepted the school’s proposed budget for 2024-2025, and approved a new Investment Policy and Investment Subcommittee. The latter were the result of a lot of work and discussion on the part of the Finance Committee and Tamara. Hilltop is fortunate and unusual as a smaller school to have a significant investment fund that enables the school to support more families in attending Hilltop, so thanks to all who put in time to ensure that this amazing resource is carefully stewarded and continues to grow and support our community.

The Committee on Trustees (CoT) has been especially busy this year, and the Board was able to officially approve the new Board By-Laws at this month’s meeting. Additionally, the CoT was thrilled by the response to our Open Board Meeting and delighted with the volume and quality of applicants to the Board. We reviewed materials provided by applicants and will be voting a slate of new trustees at our next Board meeting on May 22.

We also reviewed and discussed the annual assessment for our Head of School (HoS), and the assessment for the Board. These assessments include input gathered from a survey of staff, the Annual Family Survey, and surveys and self-assessments from the HoS and Board ourselves. We are pleased with all that has been accomplished and are setting out new goals for the coming year, which we will share in an upcoming newsletter.

We ended the meeting by all signing up for implementation committees for the Strategic Plan, and we encourage you to do so as well! If you are interested in helping to implement our new Strategic Plan, please contact Tamara.