HMS News

Support for the HMS Community During COVID-19

Dear Hilltop Community, The Hilltop Montessori School Administration and Board of Trustees have been working through many considerations to support families, staff, and students for the current crisis and for the long-term sustainability of the school. With so many unknowns regarding the COVID-19 crisis and how it will play out in the weeks, months, and...
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Leadership Update

Dear Hilltop Families, As many of you know, leaving Hilltop was a hard decision for me to make back in February. The prospect of having a new adventure in Massachusetts with my family just barely beat out the attachment, engagement, and satisfaction I feel in being at Hilltop. And now, COVID-19 has changed that.  The...
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Remote Learning Updates and Goals

In the first few weeks of remote learning, we focussed on: Reaching out to students and families to support learning at home as quickly and thoroughly as we couldBalancing staff roles and responsibilities to distribute the immense new online workload and the diminished onsite workload, and keep all staff employedStrategizing for managing the school and...
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HMS: Learning from Home Handbook

We have been able to document what we are doing as a school and what each program is doing as we continue school remotely in our HMS: Learning from Home Handbook. This will also be provided in hard copy to every HMS family next week. We are working to translate both the sense of community...
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HMS Learning from Home Handbook

Dear Families, I am very proud of how quickly, thoroughly, and thoughtfully the teachers have adapted the Hilltop Montessori School programs to this virtual learning environment. For an example, pretend you are at a Lower Elementary morning meeting and watch Amelia’s The Months Macarena to celebrate the start of April! We have been able to...
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Remote Learning and Financial Implications During the Pandemic

Dear Families, While so much has been upended in the last two weeks, Hilltop is very much not closed. Our faculty and families have spent many hours working together to provide meaningful education for the students. This impressive effort has brought success in providing curriculum to support Hilltop students’ development, and also success in keeping...
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Remote Learning for the Remainder of the Semester

Have our individual and collective lives ever changed so much in two weeks? And we are here for the long haul. As most of you have probably heard, we will not be allowed to meet in person with students and families for the rest of the school year (with the exception of providing care to...
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Hilltop Montessori School COVID-19 Information

Hilltop Montessori School current status and plans for continuing student engagement at home. All in-person school activities have been cancelled for this school year, as directed by the state.Hilltop Montessori School has been transitioning to provide support/education virtually, as our campus has been “shutdown” to help flatten the curve of the COVID-19 infections. We are...
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In-person Activities Cancelled Until at Least April 6, as Directed by the State

It is so strange for all of us to be working from home and not visit in person with you, each other on staff, and of course spend the days with your children. This has been a transition for us all, some more than others. . . I’ve been astounded by the work of the...
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HMS Current Status and Plans for Continuing Student Engagement at Home

Dear Families, As soon as we have a plan for one scenario, we are dealing with the reality of another. As you heard, schools in our area are closed as of Monday, March 16, and all Vermont schools must be closed by Wednesday. The soonest we will be back is April 6th, and that is...
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