Front Desk


In Honor of Jessica Thomas

In honor of Jessica Thomas, who dedicated her life’s work as Hilltop’s Lower Elementary Teacher, and passed away last week after a yearlong illness with cancer.  Jessica Thomas grew up in London, England and in the 1980’s moved to Vermont with her son, Jed, who joined Hilltop at age three, and thus was her beginning...
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How We Manage Contact Tracing

The last couple of years really has been a whole new world. We have all found ourselves in situations that no one would have ever contemplated pre-pandemic. The ever-changing world during a pandemic can feel overwhelming, confusing, and scary as information changes or evolves. As we learned more about COVID-19 our day to day has...
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Celebrating our 50th!

THE BOARD NEEDS YOUR HELP! As we prepare to enter our 50th anniversary year, the Board is embarking on a few major projects, and we need community help! We are working on putting together two committees, and we are looking for enthusiastic people who would like to help us celebrate the past 50 years and develop a...
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Keeping our Community Healthy

Here we are navigating another year with COVID-19 in our midst. A huge debt of gratitude to you, our families, who are working to keep our community safe by not sending children to school if they have any symptoms of illness. We realise and appreciate the great inconvenience that keeping children home can be, and...
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Building Bridges at HMS

The Hilltop Board of Trustees gathered via Zoom for our first official meeting of the school year. We are excited for the upcoming year! We have a dynamic, enthusiastic, multi-talented group of Trustees this year, and we have some big projects to tackle. Keep an eye out for opportunities to work with the Board! This year, the Board...
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Shared Responsibility

Having passed the 14 day mark for monitoring symptoms, we can now report that we fully managed through two cases of known COVID-19 patients in our Elementary programs and had NO COMMUNITY SPREAD! Our systems proved to be protective in these recent cases. Specifically we credit: Families keeping children home when there are symptoms or...
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No Community Spread

We seem to have navigated a positive COVID case in both Lower Elementary and Upper Elementary with no community spread! We are at day 8 since exposure and will need to all continue to monitor for symptoms until day 14, but the negative tests have been flooding in and there were no symptoms among our...
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Back to School with Caution

We have been informed of a COVID-19 positive student in Upper Elementary and a presumed case in the Lower Elementary program. We have closed those two classrooms and are following the “contact tracing” and “return to school” algorithm set by the Vermont Department of Health. Students and teachers who were with these two students on Monday and...
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Grateful to be Back

So gratifying! It has been wonderful to once again be able to walk the campus, both indoors and outdoors, and see the students and teachers in action as we settle into in-person learning. Last year our entire campus and community was strictly podded, both inside and outside, in a way that did not give me...
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Re-Entry 2021/2022: August 20, 2021

Dear Hilltop Families,We wanted to give you a few updates and share more broadly information that has been asked by a few families in recent days. With the ventilation upgrades, outdoor spaces, consistent masking practice observed last year, and general conscientiousness of our community, we feel confident in opening again in person for this school...
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