River of Spirit Odyssey – Day 4

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Sunday, May 8

10:00 – Morning service at Emmanuel Church with Reverend Pamela Werntz

     Bach Cantata BWV 175

Lunch on the street 

1:00 – Common Cathedral – Brewer Fountain on Boston Common Speak with Reverend Mary and Carrington Moore

3:30 – A conversation with the Reverend Robert Greiner of Emmanuel Church 

5:00 – Holy Eucharist at Trinity Church 

Dinner at Eataly

May 8th

After today, I have realized that what “God” means to me is something to enhance togetherness and finding community in others. -Iris

When we were talking to Deacon Bob at Emmanuel Church it was awesome to hear how enthusiastic he was to answer all our questions. His approach was very moving and I think he brought some great opinions and ideas about Christianity. -Corbin

What I found particularly meaningful was our conversations with Bob. It brought me alive because it just gave me a feeling of wonderment. It was so interesting and I made sure to listen. I was genuinely curious about what he had to say. All of his answers were very thoughtful and it changed me because it made me realize that even though I am not religious, I can still have thoughtful conversation. -Dashiell

When Deacon Bob said “Even thought it didn’t happen, that doesn’t mean it isn’t real”, I found that it really hard to grapple with. I don’t understand it at all but I like it because I don’t know what it means but I know it has meaning. -Lucas

The part of a service that touched me most was when we were at the Common Cathedral and we were all singing and the man with the Tamborine, Alex, joined in and stood in front of us and everyone was singing or doing communion and everything started to flow together. Even the people who had it really rough were singing and people were laughing. It felt like the community it was. Everyone knew everyone else’s name and people actually cared about each other. It was personal and intimate and imminent and immediate. -Malika

The Common Cathedral was the most meaningful part of the trip for me so far. Everyone there was so able to put aside any difference to be a community and help each other. This was really shown to me when, at the beginning of the service, not only did they say they welcomed those of all races, genders, abilities, etc. but also people overwhelmed with greed. They made sure to welcome people in power who usually make others suffer and I’ll never forget that. -Pete

At the Common Cathedral, I particularly connected to “God” when Laurel came up to speak. She was really feeling what she said. I started to connect to her words and was feeling really grateful to be having a service with these people. Afterwards, I felt connected with the people themselves and started to joke around. I always forget how homelessness doesn’t mean lifelessness. The homeless people we talked with had such intent. Once I put their differences aside, I saw how beautiful they really were as people. -Mark

We sang as a community even though we didn’t know each other. The voice of our song had a universality. I left money on a bench for someone there to find. I loved the expression of curiosity, excitement and gratitude on his face. I knew he needed it way more than me. I wondered what he would spend it on or if he even took it for himself, Thats how I “found God” on Day 4 of the River of Spirit Odyssey. -Max

At Trinity Church the beautiful details expressed were completely jaw dropping. I found myself getting lost in the endless puzzle of colors and my eyes strained to catch every tone, every shade, every ray of light possible to see. -Ava

The main thing that made me “find God” was music. All the churches we went to had music of some sort. Emmanuel had a Bach Cantata. Common Cathedral had us and Rick and Trinity had a choir and hymns. I always looked forward to the music and it helped me find my own meaning. -Root