

Middle School / Love Hate/Curriculum Vitae performance on Monday, November 6 at 7pm

The seventh graders are creating poetic lists of their loves and hates and the eighth graders are crafting their curricula vitae, their resume for life.  They will be reciting these lovely and insightful pieces on Monday evening November 6 beginning at 7pm in the Arts Barn Theater. The recitation of these poems of identity is always fascinating,...
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Graduates on Board of The Putney School!

April 7, 2017 We are proud to share that two of our 2015 graduates, Emmanuel Keppel and Greta Wolfe, have recently been elected to the Board of Trustees of The Putney School, a position of great responsibility and honor. Emmanuel graduated from Hilltop having started in the Children’s House and Greta joined Hilltop for the...
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Supporting Middle School Micro-Economies, A Real Life Experience!

September 29, 2017 Co-authored by Lily Buren-Charkey, Middle School Entrepreneur, and Tamara Mount, Head of School Throughout the year the middle school takes on the daunting task of raising around ten thousand dollars for our odysseys! This year we are raising money for our River of Spirit Odyssey to Boston, a comparative world religion and science of...
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Peace Education Presentation on Grandparent and Special Friend Day

October 6, 2017 The national political rhetoric, climate, and actions of the past year have been disturbing to me. I could have been thrown into a deep depression, finding it hard to get out of bed each day, were it not for what we are doing here at Hilltop Montessori School. The events in Charlottesville,...
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Guiding the Child at Work

September 8, 2017 It is only week two and the classrooms are already settling in and getting “normalized”. As Montessorians we use the term normalized to describe when the students have the rhythm of the day and, together and independently, work and grow where they need to. Children are choosing their “work” and building their concentration. In Montessori classrooms...
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Middle School Upland Odyssey Sept 5-8

Students will be cooking, living, and learning in the outdoor classroom as well as getting to know their new community.
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Middle School Performance “Unclaimed” Monday 5/8 & Tuesday 5/9 at 7PM

The Middle School is busy writing and rehearsing its annual performance. The newly titled show, “Unclaimed”, is a dramatic miracle that has taken shape. The creation of this show is like a bit of alchemy. The musings of individuals, small groups of collaborators, and full class brain storming stirs the pot and eventually turns to...
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Math Day at Hilltop, Sat. Feb 11, 9-11:30 am

Math Day at Hilltop, Saturday, Feb 11 from 9 -11:30 am. Bring a dish to share for lunch and we’ll provide pizza. Learn how math is taught the Montessori way. Parents will be treated to a journey of our math curriculum through the years, from toddler to eighth grade, with ample opportunity to ask questions...
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Feb 7 at 7 pm Middle School Poetry Night

Join us for an evening of courage, elocution, and fine words. It’s the Middle School Poetry Night, and you are invited. Students will share selections from their work written over the past 8 weeks of study as well as a selection of short poetic films.
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OPEN HOUSE Dec 6 for Prospective Families Tuesday, 9 – 11 am

Open House Schedule 9am –  Welcome 9:15 – Tour and observations 10 -10:30 –  meet with program director for discussion and Q&A 10:30 – 11:00 wrap up session with representative students, Head of School and Admissions Director Reservations are not necessary for Open Houses, but please be sure to sign in when you arrive. We...
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