EJI-PEd.S. Locating Your Identity

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The EJI-Parent Education Series has lots to say.

While winter continues bringing more snow to the hill, our effort to construct an equitable, just,
and inclusive community keeps us moving and transforming through the seasons.
The biweekly Parent Education Series, an EJI initiative, aims to bring to the table deep,
uncomfortable conversations about systemic forms of oppression and to bring awareness about
our roles as members of this society.

We embarked on this challenging journey on November 3th, with our first session “Locating
Your Identity.” Since then we have held seven more sessions that have fed us with enriching
and also difficult information to process. As with anything new, the Parent Education Series has
become a place to explore new boundaries of our individual selves. I am so pleased to witness
the courage of this group that continues to show up, ready to learn, to listen, and to take actions
from the learnings of each session fo the EJI-PEd.S.

In Montessori practice, the prepare adult is a critical component of its philosophy. In an
equitable, just, and inclusive world, the role and preparation of the adult is fundamental. Is in
this way that I would like to extend the invitation to our community of parents and caregivers to
participate of the EJI-PEd.S. Please, contact me [email protected], if you want to
be part of this process so I can share the link for our next zoom session.

Here, I would love to share with you all an edited video from the first session that took place in
November, as well as a brief review about Session 1. This video has been edited to preserve
the confidentiality of the voices of the people who signed up for being part of the EJI-PEd.S

Session 1: “Locating Your Identity”: During this session, we explore the multiple
dimensions of our own identities through a simple question “Who am I?” To be able to
answer this question and continue unfolding our curiosity, we part by encountering the
stories that remained silenced. In many cases, especially for people who live in a
marginalized condition of society, and history, this silence was intentionally
conditioned. Here is a link to the video of this session (Session1). https://youtu.be/i818vHkiyY0

Yupaichani / Gracias / Thank you,
Marco Yunga Tacuri
Equity, Justice, and Inclusion Director