Going Beyond Limits as a Community

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This has been a year with an emphasis on health and safety and on the actions of the individual impacting the community. Our community has done an amazing job. As a staff, we have been so careful and we have been thrilled with how seriously and responsibly all of our families are taking the commitment to be safe to protect each other. Let’s keep it up!

  • It would be an amazing year to get to 100% participation from current families for Annual Fund. We’ve heard your appreciation for all the teachers and staff have done. Please demonstrate that sentiment by making a pledge or contribution to the Annual Fund. An email now to Roselle stating your intended contribution will let us count you in!
  • Please continue to make safe choices for your family around socializing. Our families have been careful and stayed “podded”, masked, outside, and distanced, as appropriate. As the weather gets cold and we are indoors more, and with the holidays coming up, keep up the vigilance! We strongly discourage travel or outside visitors over the November or Winter Breaks. If you are more risky in the coming months, you must quarantine, and miss school if we are in session, as required by Vermont state guidelines.
  • Students need weather appropriate clothing to continue to be outside for as much of the day as possible. Please set your student up for a successful, comfortable day by ensuring that they arrive at school with what they will need to be warm and dry throughout the day. Teachers will be asking if your child has appropriate clothing (hat, gloves, snow pants, snow boots, coat, extra socks) at drop off. You will be asked to return to school to drop off additional items if needed.
  • Prepare to be able to get up the hill! At this point, we are going to continue using the fire road and the main driveway for drop off and dismissal. We recently had it regraded and it will be plowed and sanded. We realise that some cars are not as equipt for winter driving in Vermont. If your car can’t make it up the hill on a snowy day, please use your judgement and stay home. We are considering making an adjustment to the drop-off/pick-up schedule in January to enable everyone to use the main driveway. In any case, back-ups on slippery hills can be problematic. Some of these reminders are needs that recur every year, and some are specific to 2020. What a year it has been. As always, if you have any feedback or questions, please contact me.