Breakfast at 1412 Water Avenue
Brown Chapel
Charlie Lucas’s studio
History Maker’s lunch with Lynda Blackmon Lowery
Journeys for the Soul with Joanne Bland
Dinner at Healing Waters Retreat Center
and a visit with Dr. Bernard Lafayette.
Retire to 1412 Water Avenue
I thought that the time we had at Brown Chapel was just so amazing. I thought the presentation we got there was so great and although I was filming, I was able to really enjoy the speeches. I thought that some of the best speeches yet were done there. Ana’s especially was so great. To see her get so out of her comfort zone and really transform.
Their voices echoed off the walls as we sat in the pews they once had years ago. Brown Chapel holds the determination of thousands of people inside it. Lynda told her story, recalling that same determination. Her sister, Joanne, made us reach into the pool of thinking and try to grasp concepts of racism. She made me realize things I hadn’t thought of before.
Ms. Lynda Blackman Lowery’s speech reminded me of Selma, Lord, Selma. The fact that she turned 15 during the march made her story even better because she probably wanted to be with her family on her birthday, but she needed to be there. She needed to march. She needed to make a difference.
The talk with Lynda was really fun, moving, and powerful, and I now have her signed book! It’s really cool getting to hear about the same moments from a bunch of different people.
They believe in us. They all believe in us so much. “We are the future.” “We need to bring our planet back.” These words have been resinating in me since our first stop at Bethel Baptist Church. Today we spoke to Joanne Bland. She was determined to make us believe we were worth something and we were the leaders.
As I was holding my rock [from Joanne Bland], I started to appreciate how much history was right there in my hand. When I get home, I’m going to find a clear case to put it in, so I can see it every day.
It was so amazing and kind of weird to meet a person [Dr. Lafayette] who I had studied so intensely for the past three months. His presence in the room made chills run down my spine, even though he was so kind. I gave my speech for him, and I think it went OK. He gave me hope for the future, and talked about the future of nonviolence and his work. I learned many things I didn’t even know about him. I just feel intoxicated by the time I spent with him.